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As the Welsh Jewish Cultural Centre moves towards opening, we will be able to offer group visits, curriculum resources and educational support for groups of all ages.  We also welcome the opportunity to support university research programmes and deliver community outreach work.

Our plans include programmes to support:

School Kids

School Visits and Resources

We will develop curriculum resources and programmes to help with schools visits, welcoming groups from KS1, KS2 and secondary schools.  We will work with teachers and colleagues in the education sector to create our plans.

University Student

Academic Research

We are happy to receive enquiries about your research work if you are currently undertaking a project at an academic institution. We are also interested in hearing from you if you feel your research will support our mission.

Women Holding Hands

Community Outreach

We will develop plans to support group visits to the Welsh Jewish Cultural Centre, and holding community events and meetings to share news about the Welsh Jewish Cultural Centre.

Discover Jewish Heritage Trails across Wales

There are a number of heritage trails at locations across Wales, telling the stories of our Jewish community in the country.


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